
One of my hobbies would be dancing as it has been a long time passion of mine. I started dancing back in the fourth grade when I befriended someone who had been dancing since they were a child. I started going to the same studio they went to and did that for two years. I ended up giving dance a break becasue I thought I should focus on athletics and try to play other sports, which I ended up hating. I eventually went back to dancing and before I started High School I tried out for the Drill Team and made it!

I was on Drill Team for all four years of High School and it was definitly unforgetable. There were many 6:30 AM practices and many hours spent dancing but Drill Team remainds the one thing that I sometimes miss about High School. Emphasis on the sometimes. Because I danced for so long I really wanted to try out for a collegiate team and see how many more years I could perform for. Unfortunately Covid hit my senior year and stopped all my dancing goals

Since then, I try to dance on my own and learn dances online, but this has been difficult considering my schedule. I also have found an adult studio in Austin, TX that I have been to once and really liked and I would love to go back. Dance is the one hobby of mine that I would like to keep up with as a physical acticity because I am bad about working out. Dance is also a stress reliever for me and allows me to express myself in a creative and emotional way.

Here is one of my favorite dances I did my senior year:Click Here

portrait of Elaina in Drill Team uniform

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