
self photo at concert Concert Video

As previously mentioned I have a huge love for concerts and festivals as well. If I could I would go to one pretty much every week because I enjoy them that much. I went to my first concert back in 2016 I believe and it was a Shawn Mendes concert, typical for my age at the time. I went with my childhood friend, her mother and my mother and we had nose bleed seats. After that concert I swore to myself from there on out I would absolutly need to get floor seats and go to as many concerts as I possibly could. I have now been to over ten different concerts/festivals and I cannot wait to expand that number even more.

I think what makes concerts so awesome for me is the fact that everyone is there to just be in the moment and to enjoy themselves. And of course to live out their dream of seeing their favorite artists in person. It is such a cool thing to think about the fact that everyone that is there has the exact same interests as you and could have many more. I have actually made a friend at a concert before and I really hope I am able to do so again. Other than seeing the artists perform I think my favorite thing to do at concerts is to get dressed up! I typically never wear make up or dress nicely so I really take the time to do so when I go to concerts.

While on the topic of concerts I really want to talk about going to concerts and festivals alone. I have done this a few times now and every single time I have had so much fun. Don't get me wrong I enjoy it more going with a friend so I have someone to share the experience with, and saftey reasons, but going alone has been such a freeing feeling. I think we all get in our heads a lot and get scared to let loose at concerts, but for me going alone I really allowed myself to just have fun and not stop myself from going just because I didn't have anyone else and it was so much fun. You should really try it! Here are some concerts and festivals I've been to below:

self photo at concert

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