My First Website

My name is Elaina Loiacano and I am a senior at Texas State University currently working on my Bachelors Degree in Digital Media Innovation with a minor in International Studies. I'm pretty excited that I ended up choosing this major. For all of high school and the majority of college I have been unsure of what path I would choose, and honestly I still am, but seeing DMI as an option became an opportunity for me to explore things that I have been curious about and see if it could be a good career choice for me.

I typically don't have a lot of free time because I work, a lot, and so other than being a full time student I am usually working and sometimes I am working two jobs. But, when I do have free time I love going out and hanging with friends, going to the movies, and I absolutely love going to concerts. I enjoy reading when I can and I use to dance for many years and would love to get back into it.

I love music and have thought about trying to work in the touring industry because I genuinely love concerts so much. I enjoy the atmosphere, dressing up, and getting to see a very talented person put on a performance. With that being said I listen to music a lot and I'm constantly looking for new artists. I mainly listen to K-Pop, Pop, R&B, Hip Hop, and a bunch more. Lately I have been listening to a lot of Beyonce, Tame Impala, Timbaland, Doja Cat, and RIMON. Below is more about some of my interests.

My All-time Favorites

Favorite Animals Favorite Artists Favorite Activities
Cats Doja Cat Amusement Parks
Koala BTS Arcades
Dogs Conan Gray Bowling